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in VR and non VR i only have white screen How to repair this issue ?

Hi dont work on quest 3 and windows 11 

If you experienced issues with the game, please contact us at with the email you use for itch.

This game has run completely fine for me. the movement is janky but everything else works. I have had no invisible girl problems. the game does need some more content though.

I do, tested it again. When i launch in VR-Mode, the Girls Body is invisible. Even after deleting my save file one. I play on the Valve Index

FAIR WARNING TO POTENTIAL BUYERS: Game is unfinished, the girl is invisible most of the time. Mentioned by some weeks ago. Dead silence from the developer. No word about an upcoming fix wahtsoever.

Save your money until this is reacted upon and fixed!

Hi theDant0r, although it is not an ideal fix, we have found that deleting the save data once might resolve this issue. It can be found at 

Users\(username)\AppData\LocalLow\Moyashi Tec lab\Voyeur Room509

The AppData folder might be hidden, so from the View dropdown, select show -> hidden items.

Please let us know if it works or not so that we can better understand the bug.

(1 edit)

Deleting the save file did nothing. When you Launch the game in VR mode and load backalley for example (or any other location), no matter if low or very high, the Body of the Girl is invisible/transparent. The only setting where she is visible is in non-vr and low setting. But this is not what i bought it for. I want to experience the VR-Mode, at least at he lowest setting.

I play on the Valve Index. Her Body-Textures are not loading right / loading transparent in VR-Mode

If you experienced issues with the game, please contact us at with the email you use for itch.

Feedback report 2: I tested this game a little bit out. You guys have a problem with the loading of the body. (Head is fine)
IN Non-VR: The body loads on the first time but only on the lowest settings. After cahnging location or reloading location, the skin becomes invisible.

Every other VR-Gamemode or/and graphic settings: The skin, 90% of the girl, is invisible.

Guys, seriously, you charge 20,99 dollars for this. This is unexceptable for that price. Please fix this in the next days or i will ask for a refund.


Why is the girl invisible in VR? Please fix!


I have a question: will there be an uncensored patch for this game and will the gun fighting part be only for vr or are you going to add a keyboard and mouse? I'm just worried because I thought I could fight without a VR headset. 

(1 edit)

can a Intel core i5 13600 witha rtx 4070 work with this game

I like the concept so far!
There are still a few issues, though.

In VR-Mode: The character model mesh doesn't properly load. The body is always invisible. The clothing sometimes as well. The head stays visible, though.

In Non-VR-Mode: There's similar problems. Most of the time the character model is visible, the clothing actually never showed up for me in this mode. After some time of playing the character model went invisible as well (the whole model besides the head).

I couldn't find any pattern of when things turn invisible. It seems to hapen sporadically.

My PC by far exceeds the mentioned requirements by the way.

VR headset used: Oculus Quest 2

Also please mention that there is a censor bar (pixelation) included for the nether regions of the characters, if you don't plan to release an unsensor patch for non japanse regions. I understand that this measure is required by japanese law. For a buyer outside of Japan it may be a bit upsetting, if they bought a NSFW game that turns out to be censored (especially without knowing that beforehand).


Thank you for the valuable feedback!

We've double-checked the data from the itch page, but could not reproduce the issues you've mentioned. 

Please make sure you have unzipped the data, updated your graphics drivers, and maybe try lowering the quality level to low. It might be worth re-downloading the data as well.

Screenshots on the game page will usually show censored bits, so please see the screenshots beforehand! If there are none, comment and we or a community member will reply. :)

(3 edits)

Thanks for the reply and rechecking the uploaded files. :)

I just waited for the new GPU driver version to release to retry playing the game in VR mode. Unfortionately all the above stated problems stayed.

I have an RTX3090 and tried both available driver versions: Studio (the more stable one) and Game (the one with cutting edge features)

and also different quality settings. It really can't be the GPU or the installed drivers at this point. Also regarding that every other game runs perfectly fine (no matter, if VR or not).

I put the game on my NVME SSD to rule out "longer" loading times and checked my CPU, RAM and SSD usage while the game was running. My PC doesn't even barely start to sweat even with the highest quality settings.

I'm not experienced in Unity so this is a wild guess but maybe there is a missed out setting for the render mode (in regards to opacity or two sided mode?) or flipped normals in the character models? The Pubic hair and the censor/blur bar are reliably visible all times (along with the head) and I assume that both are simple planes/an alpha plane with a material assigned for which the direction of the planes normals may not matter?


Can confirm. Playing in VR in an 3070. Valve Index. The girls body is invisible in all modes. Not the clothes or head tho. 
Oh and what is with that censor? Seriously? Please make a remove toggle!

Hi ShadeEye, although it is not an ideal fix, we have found that deleting the save data once might resolve this issue. It can be found at 

Users\(username)\AppData\LocalLow\Moyashi Tec lab\Voyeur Room509

The AppData folder might be hidden, so from the View dropdown, select show -> hidden items.

Please let us know if it works or not so that we can better understand the bug.

If you experienced issues with the game, please contact us at with the email you use for itch.